The Great Sites of France Network

Founded in November 2000, the network of the « Grands Sites de France » is an association which brings together the local organisations involved in managing sites which have a « Grand Site de France » label or those who are working to get it.

La Pointe du Raz, le Pont du Gard, les Gorges du Verdon, la Dune du Pilat, Logo membre RGSF-Finalla Montagne Sainte Victoire, le Canigò, le Puy de Dôme, le Puy Mar are a few of the « Grands Sites » : well-known,beautiful and emblematic landscapes : most of which have three stars in the tourist guides.


To see the « Grands Sites de France » Network members :

The Network is a dynamic place which enables an exchange of practical experiences and skills between the sites.

The aims of the Network are :

  • To give  technical advice to the members who are looking for the national GRAND SITE DE FRANCE seal,
  • To be an active partner in national politics which promote remarkable protected sites, 
  • To publicise and promote the values of the Grand Sites.

The Grand Site du Cirque de Navacelles is a member of the Grands Sites de France Network, and participates actively in this area of  exchange, reflection and innovation.

Further information :


Map showing the members of the Grands Sites de France Network

Sites membres du RGSF